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Makes you thirsty just looking at it......

Let me start by saying I believe that water is very under rated, and at some point I suffered bad enough to know just how very important it is at all stages of life, especially in pregnancy and during nursing. As I mentioned before I stayed with my mum in law for a while and although she meant well, she put me through a kind of hell I would not wish on anyone on this here issue of water. So if you do find yourself under the watchful eye of a staunch "no cold water after delivery" believer, get creative on how to go about adequate hydration.
First, here's a short personal story of mine; I managed to sneak some water every now and then when I had some time alone and the conditions were just right i.e. no people milling around, toto is asleep, I have had a meal and such stuff. I would gulp down life giving and refreshing cold water like there was no tomorrow though unfortunately, the local water was a bit salty so I had to find some that was palatable to me, like rain water for instance. Because it was neither boiled nor treated and was not being taken under the best conditions, I got typhoid not surprisingly afterwards but luckily it got treated fast after I went back home and that  was that.
Her reasons for withholding cold water from me were actually not malicious though, because in the Masai culture there's this belief that if you take cold water after giving birth your stomach will remain swollen forever. I don't know if this is a fact for them, or if it was true because after a round of painfully solid stool you would probably keep your meals as small and few as possible 🤔. It did not hold true for me though, as even though the water I took wasn't as much as I would have wanted I still went back to my dress size and had no bulging stomach issues. 
So anyway enough about me, and here's five reasons as to why water really is your friend at this time:

Amniotic Fluid
This is the water surrounding a baby while they are in the womb, safely enclosed in the amniotic sac, and it provides a comfortable cushion for him, acting also as a shock absorbent to some degree in case of sudden commotion, and also being the medium in which vital organs survive and stay lubricated such as the umbilical cord. This fluid will enable baby to move comfortably and turn as they grow and is also important during ultrasounds as it will help for better visibility of baby and his environment.

Nutrient Digestion
On conceiving, you will need to take in a balanced diet and especially some nutrients and vitamins in addition to your regular meals for baby's well-being. Some of there minerals like folate (folic acid is an artificial form and is not too well digested) which is found in green leafy vegetables, avocado, citric fruits, liver and the like, need water for the ultimate digestion and transportation through your system and into baby's eager and under developed gut.

Do I need to say this again? You will be in hell when constipated while pregnant, while nursing, and at any other point in your life, so take enough water, and fiber rich foods like beans which are also a nice protein source, of course not forgetting fruit, and your system (as well as toto) will thank you endlessly for it. 

The Teeth
Around the time you are pregnant, it is a common occurrence to develop cavities or have the current ones worsen due to hormone changes and as such, you should aim to replace fizzy, sugary, and carbonated drinks with good old water. This will keep the cavities at bay and also you will not have to deal with the empty sugars and possible side effects of too much refined food like gestational diabetes.

System Coolant
This is especially true if you're living in a hot area, or your pregnancy jacks up your internal temperatures to abominable degrees like mine did. Taking sufficient water will ensure that you remain hydrated regardless of how much you sweat and this in turn will keep irritations like dry flaky skin, unnecessary stretch marks, and swollen feet at least to a certain degree at bay.

So there you go, drink and let drink 😃, but there is always such a thing as too much so if you notice your urine is as clear as or almost as clear as water, cut down just a little bit. Do come back next week for a brand new post, and have a well hydrated week whatever station of life you happen to be in! 
