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Sleeping new born baby
I see you are back :) *hugs*. So here's the rules-don't worry though, I won't cane you for disobedience lol...
-expect lots of smilies :) 
-be ready for some long vents (:
-posts will be weekly, unless in the event there is a serious issue that needs resolving, in which case twice a week will do.
-humor me and lol, just to keep my esteem up ;)
-keep coming back for more (:
-I will do my best to help, so ask anything. Anything. ANYTHING. Ok that's that.
-have fun (: smile (:
-smiley overload ... Not a rule, but, well, you know....

Anyway if you, awesome reader, have any input that you feel will help me better serve you, let me know and I will be sure to work on it, or respond at the very least. Looking forward to having insane fun with you all, and helping you out as you help me out as well because after all we are in this together. Have a wonderful week ahead! I promise my next post will be longer, better structured, have more discipline, etc etc :) 
X's n O's!
