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Hello again, hope your week has been great, mine has, kinda I guess.... Anyway what is baby brain? This is exactly what it sounds like, in all senses actually - you share your brain cells with the baby growing inside you, then after they have been born they get to keep it, and whatever little brains you have left are crammed full of baby thoughts like "is he hungry? Is he wet? Is he happy? Did he smile? Will he be president one day?" And so on and so forth, so you may find yourself putting the house keys in the freezer and juice in the microwave, and am here to tell you that this is completely normal, but nonetheless totally annoying😩 . I will try and help you out of this sticky situation with some tips of three things that I did, and I hope they help. If you can think of something I have left out please leave it in the comments section and let us help out a mum or two πŸ˜‰

First of all, you really need to watch what you eat, make sure you get quality as opposed to quantity because you're not a cow who needs tones of grass for a handful of nutrients ha! This is however not to say that you should avoid greens, on the contrary, eat a color- co-ordinated plate, the more colors you can get there the merrier for example, start off with a fruit before each meal. Then make sure there's some vegetables, some starch, some protein, and of course water. The minerals and vitamins you will get from the fruit, and if you can hack it a glass of milk is also super, for the calcium which you will need for bone structure.
If, however, you cannot get these food groups comfortably, then you will take the aptly named and often abused supplements, which will provide these nutrients for you and your baby through breast milk. Let's not forget supplements are not a hundred percent natural and will be in forms that your body is not ready to digest so I believe it's prudent to only take them when you are out of options.
Generally white meat is better than red meat, so fish and chicken should feature a lot more in your meals than beef and goat if possible. Plant protein is also great as it's easier to digest and produces less waste, taking up less energy to burn so basically it's a win win win situation πŸ‘ŒπŸ½.

Like they say, the brain is a muscle, and as with any muscle if you don't excessive it you will lose it, so how to exercise the brain, you ask? Keep active with obvious activities like crossword puzzles, reading books and articles, and newspapers too, and trying out new activities that will stimulate your brain, even learning a new language which can be done easily from home on the internet these days.

Physical exercise is another thing that will keep you healthy both body and brain wise, as it will improve blood flow to vital organs, and lift your spirits, which is always a plus. You could come up with a routine while you are off from work or if you're a stay at home mum like a glass of refreshing and healthy something (fresh blended or squeezed fruit juice for instance), then if baby is still asleep, (in bed or in the womb haha) then do some light stretches and stuff, if you are ok as per doctors orders. You can then start meal preparation in a slow and timely manner that is comfortable for you, maybe perform some light chores, then rest when you get tired and start again later.

This is a common enemy of the people, more so mothers, whom it is well known that they carry everybody else in their hearts and minds while nobody carries them (bless our souls ☺️) so it is only natural that you will get stressed over time. The cure for this lies in the mind, as you will have to make a conscious effort and realize that you have needs too, your life did not stop because you became a mother. It's too easy to get caught up in toto's life and want to be the sun that they revolve around, and forget yourself, but please just don't, because as long as you care for them and are a present mom for even a few moments you give to them, they will love and cherish you. 

Take some time off to go to the spa, have a willing helper watch tot as you go to the salon, get a nanny to watch over them overnight as you have a date night, go to the hospital when you feel unwell, and don't lose yourself in this madness that is parenthood, it is not an easy journey but it does not have to be an impossible one. So know where to draw the limits once you are too tired to do any more, take a break and relax, and you will become the best you that you could be, bringing even more joy (and servitude) to those around you!

So keep safe, stay warm, and be ye comfortable, til next week, let's see what the week holds and don't forget to subscribe for future posts and post your comments, questions, and suggestions in the comments section below πŸ˜„
